Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Angels on Earth - dedicated to Lynda

Here's a post that I posted yesterday as a Facebook Note. It was in reply to a friend that had posted something about angels...
Regular readers, please PAHDON this interruption from the "normal" banter that you are used to on here... this note seemed to be pretty popular on Facebook, so I thought I may share it on my blog. I wrote it quick (UNDER PRESSURE FROM THE RECIPIENT) but I think the message came across. I could gussy it up a bit, but here it is verbatim - in all it's reckless "glory" !!!!!
Enjoy... and don't worry, I have a pretty critical Sox blog storming my brain... so, visit early and often.

"I hope this comes out right... or at least you "get it"

I was "awakened" about angels by a card reader... a lesson I will never forget.... think about it !!!
Once I was taught this "lesson", I considered everyone could be an angel...

As we travel through our lives, everyone has MANY angels...
Some come into our lives and stay for a second
some come into our lives and last a lifetime...
Some come into our lives.... "leave"... and then re-enter... but whether you know it or not, they were ALWAYS there !!!!
But no matter how long they stay, everyone we encounter is a potential angel....
But, why? What constitutes an "angel" ????

As a Catholic, I was always taught that an angel is some being that watches over you through life, and "protects" you....

As a human I was enlightened to realize that an angel is anyone that has helped or had an impact on your life... ie, ANYONE !!!!!!!!!

Our lives are constantly being visited and impacted by angels.... OFTEN for reasons we may not immediately understand.... But once I was shown and believed this, I took a look back at "people" that have come into my life and realized that each and everyone of them came into my life for a reason.... ie, they were an angel... whether it be for a short stay or a long visit or a lifetime... these people popped into my life for a reason... to help me... if only to make me who I am today... and tomorrow ! and, now I have a better understanding as to why people enter my life now...

The misnomer a Catholic child has growing up, is that we are taught that angels are heavenly "bodies" that look down upon us and "protect" us....
As a human adult, that concept can be extended to mean that an angel is someone that enters your life for ANY period of time to help you grow, in whatever manner... If you think about it and are a believer... Charles Manson can be considered and angel.... helping me learn, grow and understand MORE THAN 1 of life's lessons..... THAT may be stretching it, but Manson has impacted us all.... in one way or another....

But, somewhat less obscure, think about people in your personal life... each and everyone of them is/was there for a particular reason... to help you grow as a human being....

The length of time a particular angel spends in your life has no bearing on their importance... ONLY on YOUR particular need at that very moment in time.... THAT is why they come and go... also, whether they come and go or stay or re-enter does NOT make them any more or any less important...

But again, many times it is years before we realize why an has angel entered our lives... but it is never too late !!!!!!!! Once it was explained to me (and I believed !!!) I was able to reevaluate SO MUCH that has happened... and was able to understand much more... and was able to try to understand why a particular ANGEL was sent into my life at any particular time.

So, I offer that anyone that reads this... look for the angels in your life... the ones that presently reside there... and the ones that enter in the future.... as I can honestly say that YOU LYNDA have made yourself an angel in my life by making me remember this very simple life lesson at a very important time in my life... And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being an angel today !!!!

And I thank anyone else who reads this..... and ask that you just think about it.... and BELIEVE !!!

Nuf Ced


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